
The General Election Race 2024 – Party Manifestos & the EV PledgesRead more EVA England welcomes a new Director to its BoardRead more EV Drivers’ Manifesto 2024Read more EVA England celebrates 3rd anniversary with return of co-founderRead more Man plugging a charger into his phone while holding a mobile phone The Public Charge Point Regulations 2023 come into force today, starting with the Pricing Metric.Read more Powering Up – Our new policy reportRead more How EV ready is your constituency?Read more Government Inquiry on EVsRead more The Great EV Charging SurveyRead more Banner for EV Live at Blenheim Palace, which takes place on July 7-9. It shows an arial shot on the palace and its grounds, with the sun setting in the horizon. EV Live at Blenheim PalaceRead more Zemo 20:Zero ConferenceRead more EV Infrastructure Summit 2023Read more