The Electric Vehicle Association (EVA) England is a member association representing current and prospective EV drivers in England, and advocating on their behalf to the government, media and industry.

EVA England was founded in 2020 by passionate EV drivers inspired by the benefits of electric driving and concerned by the health and climate impacts of the use of petrol and diesel vehicles.

Our goal is to give a voice to EV drivers in order to push for government policies and industry changes which accelerate the transition to electric vehicles.

We aim to make England a better place for EV drivers by:

  • Supporting and representing EV drivers in England
  • Advocating on behalf of current and prospective electric vehicle drivers to the government, media and industry
  • Offering unbiased advice on all things electric vehicles and providing guides and tips for current and prospective drivers
  • Promoting electric vehicle use and the associated environmental and health benefits
  • Engaging and empowering members to be electric vehicle champions in their communities.

Members are at the heart of EVA England; it was founded on the belief that we are stronger with a unified voice and that together, we can be the voice of EV drivers in England.

Members make their voices heard in decisions through consultations, surveys and the AGM. EVA England uses these to identify key issues and barriers relating to EV adoption, and then take action to address them with the government, local authorities, and industry organisations.

Since we started, we have responded to a Government Consultation on ending the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans, advocated for a 2030 Phase Out Date to the government and media, presented to the EV Energy Taskforce, and supported the Public Charge Point Regulations 2023.

More recently, as we approach the next UK general election, we’re setting out our EV Drivers’ Manifesto 2024. In the lead up to our manifesto, we also launched the Constituency EV Map and the policy report Powering Up.

Learn more about our work

We promise to operate transparently as we empower our members to advocate for clean, zero-emission transportation.


Our values

EVA England believes values drive an organisation. That’s why we set out five values that reflect and shape our activities and our organisation’s culture.

  • We put our members first.

Our members are the heart of our organisation and we act as an independent voice for them.


  • We are inclusive.

We’re a diverse group of drivers, and welcome EV enthusiasts of all races, religions, genders, backgrounds, and identities to join us on our mission.


  • We are collaborative.

We engage positively and constructively with others to encourage the transition to electric vehicles.


  • We are trustworthy.

We work openly and transparently, producing information that drivers can rely on.


  • We are passionate.

Above all, we are passionate about electric vehicles and their benefits and we seek to share that passion with others.


The Electric Vehicle Association (EVA) England is a registered non-profit Community Interest Company in England, number 12649115.

EVA England Membership costs £20 a year and is open to existing, new and prospective drivers of EVs, including battery electric, plug-in hybrid and fuel cell vehicles. We welcome all EV drivers, whether they lease, own or drive a company vehicle, and while we support all forms of electric mobility , we have chosen to focus on cars and vans.

Membership is open to all, although our aims, ambitions and activities remain focused on current and prospective drivers of electric vehicles.

We work closely with other electric vehicle drivers’ groups in the UK, such as EVA Scotland, EVA Northern Ireland and EVA Cymru, and are a member of GEVA, the Global EV Alliance.

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